Fairfield Public School

Learning Together since 1889

Telephone02 9724 1065


About our school

Fairfield Public School provides a supportive learning environment for its students. The school community enjoys modern learning facilities, enhanced by landscaped playing areas.

The school is in receipt of federal government equity funding which supports the provision of quality education. Fairfield Public School community learns together to promote excellence and equity for all.

We view ourselves as:

  • learners and challenge ourselves to achieve higher outcomes for our students
  • encourage children to discuss their learning
  • adjust instruction on the basis of demonstrated need
  • foster a sense of community among teachers, students and parents and encourage risk-taking
  • draw on the experiences and skills of home and community
  • provide each student with concrete evidence that effort improves achievement.

School song

Lift up your voice to sing with pride,

Children of many lands abide.

Learning together day by day,

Strive to excel in every way.


Come Fairfield friends and share with us,

In school we learn, we care, we trust.

Building a land in harmony,

To visions of a land at peace.

Books for free

Stories of courage and hope — roads to Fairfield


A collection of stories, both real and imagined, drawings, videos and links to websites about the refugee experience.  Students and staff from Fairfield Public School have put together a range of ideas that will help the reader to understand where refugees come from and how refugees contribute to the life of the school and the community.  Celebrate all levels of learning by the students and access resources that will assist your school's understanding of the refugee experience. Please download this free book in the itunes store from Apple..

Alphabetical Fairfield


This alphabet book was written by students at Fairfield Public School in 2013 to celebrate the school's 125th year.  Each page was crafted and written by students in Stages 2 and 3. Fairfield Public School is located in the suburb of Fairfield, NSW in Sydney Australia. The school enrolment is from 98% non-English speaking backgrounds with 1/3 of the families from refugee backgrounds. The school celebrates it's diversity and is recognised in the community for its work with refugee families. Please download this free book from the itunes store from Apple.

1 — 14 Fairfield


A number book the was constructed during our 125 year celebration. The school had 14 classes in K-2, hence the numbers 1 — 14. Celebrate the numbers 1-14 through a small video, pictures and a collection of interactive games with the school's teddy bear Sydney Fairfield. Please download this free book from the itunes store from Apple.

Employment at our school

If you are interested in working at Fairfield Public School as a day-to-day casual or on a temporary block you can mail your resume to the school, drop it into the front office or send it as an email attachment to fairfield-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au.

Please ensure you include the following information with your resume:

  • casual employee number
  • days and dates available
  • your email address.

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